How To Apply
At this time, Whitney Rehabilitation Support Services is only accepting direct referrals. While we hope to help as many people as possible, at the moment we have limited capacity to expand our services. Please return to the website in the future for any further updates. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to connecting in the future.
Clients of Whitney Rehabilitation Support Services will be selected by the Board of Directors to ensure that services are approved equitably and impartially to a person who has been in an accident, or has experienced an Acquired Brain Injury. Service eligibility will be determined by majority vote from the Board of Directors. Several factors will be considered when determining services. These factors will include: the impact of the accident on the applicant’s personal and professional life, the severity and type of Acquired Brain Injury, other physical or mental health diagnoses, the person’s location, available funding, and whether the applicant has access to other available services. If a client is able to afford all or part of the costs of therapy, they will be encouraged to pay an equitable fee. Funds from revenue or donations to the charity will be used to cover service-costs for clients who are not able to afford all or part of the cost of services. As part of the application process, potential clients' financial situation will be evaluated but will not be a final deciding factor in approving or rejecting their application. After determining eligibility, the client will be contacted by a Rehabilitation Therapist to conduct an initial Occupational Therapy assessment and outline a plan for therapy based on the applicant's needs. As a result, each program will be tailored to the individual. Sessions will be held in the client’s home and in their local community.